Wednesday 14 February 2007

So it begins...

I know very well that I am a laggard in joining the ever growing world commu- nity of bloggers but may be I was too much procrastinating or may be not...

Once I thought of starting my blog in the year 2004 but then realised may be still it is not the time for me to let the world know what's happening. Then I thought of it with my MBA career shaping up in Oxford but the 'Back to school' thing didn't allow me to begin. Finally, I decided that it has been enough and I need to start one day or I will never be able to...

So in the early hours of the Valentine's day alongside sending my wishes to my Valentine (It's a mystery...!!!) I am here and so it begins....

I will try my best to post atleast once a week to keep this blog alive and kicking...!!!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ashish, it is nice to read such a great blog! It made me feel that I was part of the whole sequence...keep it up!