Week Zero marked the beginning of the final term of our MBA course before we get going with our Summer Consulting Project in July. Well, during the initial two days of this week I was traveling in India and reached Oxford only on Wednesday night just to attend the only class of "Corporate Valuation" for week zero. It is quite an interesting class where we get to learn more about value creation & valuation, enhance skills to identify value drivers, defining problems in real life situation.
This term I have focused mainly on Marketing and Retailing subjects because of my interest in understanding the strategic decision making behind the brand image creation, of large organizations,in the mind of consumer.
As we came out of the class, we had our first group assignment due to be completed in next four days - Valuation of the contract offer made by Texas Rangers to Alex Rodriguez in December 2000. Knowledge from "Decision Science" class in Michaelmas Term came very handy while doing regression for this assignment.
As mentioned above, in July we go for a two-month Summer Consulting Project (SCP) with companies from varied sector working on their strategic issues and providing them with practical solutions to tackle the subject matter at hand. Our Business Project Office had compiled a listing of various companies offering SCP's, so did some research on various companies and projects offered, before showing my interest in any of those, so as to better align my aspirations and interests with the project goals.
So that was pretty much it from the week zero, with nothing exciting except the start of final term and an inspired attempt to finish the Corporate Valuation assignment by Tuesday of Week - 1. Other than this, I also made a video of some of the best pictures from the hundreds of those taken during the last term. Hope you will enjoy the moments.
Back from the hiatus... Many apologies for being away from my blog for more than a month and not keeping it updated. The easter break was amazing and it is always great being back at home. I cannot put in words the joy of my parents (especially mom) on seeing me home after a long time. A 18 day break at home was not so much of vacation to relax because had a lot of catching up to do with my friends, relatives. Met some of them after almost four years or so. Attended my friends' wedding, met my best friend's Hiresh and Vikas from school time after almost two years. But it was not only fun and relaxation time. Did some preparation and research related to job hunt and for my EP project that was submitted on time by Archit on April 17, 2007.
It is always tough to get away from home and feels like being brought back to reality from a wonderful dream. So was the feeling when I travelled back from Kanpur to Oxford. But there is no escape from it and have to face the Trinity term in which already one week is over. In next few days you will see bit more of action here considering I have two weeks of Trinity to catch up, with loads of things happening during this time.